Through Gospel centred youth ministry we seek to see our young people become committed to Christ and the local church.
Christian fellowship, Bible study, teaching and discipleship support and encourage the youth and help them to understand God’s will in their lives.
You are very welcome to join us in any of our youth ministries listed below!
Sunday School
On Sunday mornings before the service we run the Sunday school. Here the kids sing choruses before splitting up into their age classes, from nursery age to GCSE. In class we have work books and crafts that teach Bible stories and lessons. If you have children in this age range why not send them along to Sunday School at 10:15 am and stay along for the service at 11:30 am!
After School Kids
Each Wednesday Primary School kids are welcomed to drop into the church at 3:30pm for our after school club! The boys and girls will sing songs, play games, and hear Bible stories from some of our church youth leaders. All kids very welcome to attend and bring friends!
‘Pathfinders’ Youth Fellowship
The young people of the church meet up every other Sunday night at 8pm for fellowship. We grab some food, relax, chat and study the Bible together. Following on from last years study of the book of Mark, this year we will be studying the Acts of the Apostles. We will be asking key questions of the text to learn about and from the early church, the apostles and what it all means for Christians today! Special meetings are held at Christmas, Easter and at the end of the year, culminating in an end of year outing together.
Youth Recreation Nights
Less formal than our other meetings together, the youth nights allow the young people to get to know one another and develop the Christian community that are so valuable for young believers. At our youth nights we might play console games, board games, have quizzes or other activities in the church hall or head across the road to the nearby Protestant Hall for football, uni hoc, or other, more physical activities. Alongside the fun and games will be a short talk, testimony or thought for the evening.
Clonavon Youths FC
The church run a football team for boys and girls in secondary school years 8-11. For further information on Clonavon click here!